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Network and ports

CVEDIA-RT will have to download models from the internet the first time you use them. After that they will be stored in a local cache.

Besides that CVEDIA-RT can provide optional services that may require some specific ports to be open:

Port list

Port Type Description Configuration
1883 TCP MQTT daemon When running within docker with MQTT support, we spawn our own instance; Can be overrided using options on
3333 UDP broadcast ONVIF discovery Not configurable
3546 TCP HTTP REST API / WEBPANEL Can be overrided using options on / rtconfig.json
3702 UDP broadcast ONVIF discovery Not configurable
7001 TCP When running VMS: NX Witness / Digital Watchdog / WAVE / Piko / Meta VMS Not configurable
8080 TCP HTTP REST API On file global.config or (on docker)
8086 TCP Tracy Tracy profiler for debugging
8554 TCP/UDP RTSP Used when broadcasing RTSP from CVEDIA-RT, depends on solution / instance export configuration
8889 TCP Remote UI On file global.config or (on docker)
9993 TCP/UDP ZeroTier When support mode is enabled on CVEDIA-RT boxes / images
12349 UDP broadcast CVEDIA-RT discovery global.config
59997 UDP broadcast CVEDIA-BOX debug alternative channel env, .env setup
59999 UDP broadcast CVEDIA-BOX debug main channel env, .env setup

Domain whitelist

Domain Ports Description 80, 443 Model downloads 80, 443 License server 80, 443 License server


Port 80 is used as fallback for devices without accurate realtime clock