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const std::regex regexRfc3339_date(R"(^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})$)" )
const std::regex regexRfc3339_date_time(R"(^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})Tt:(\d{2}):(\d{2})(.\d+)?([Zz]
bool validateRfc3339_date(const std::string & str)
bool validateRfc3339_date_time(const std::string & str)
std::string toStringValue(const std::string & value)
std::string toStringValue(const int32_t value)
std::string toStringValue(const int64_t value)
std::string toStringValue(const bool value)
std::string toStringValue(const float value)
std::string toStringValue(const double value)
bool fromStringValue(const std::string & inStr, std::string & value)
bool fromStringValue(const std::string & inStr, int32_t & value)
bool fromStringValue(const std::string & inStr, int64_t & value)
bool fromStringValue(const std::string & inStr, bool & value)
bool fromStringValue(const std::string & inStr, float & value)
bool fromStringValue(const std::string & inStr, double & value)

Detailed Description

SecuRT No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator

The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.1

Functions Documentation

function regexRfc3339_date

const std::regex regexRfc3339_date(

function regexRfc3339_date_time

const std::regex regexRfc3339_date_time(

function validateRfc3339_date

bool validateRfc3339_date(
    const std::string & str

function validateRfc3339_date_time

bool validateRfc3339_date_time(
    const std::string & str

function toStringValue

std::string toStringValue(
    const std::string & value

function toStringValue

std::string toStringValue(
    const int32_t value

function toStringValue

std::string toStringValue(
    const int64_t value

function toStringValue

std::string toStringValue(
    const bool value

function toStringValue

std::string toStringValue(
    const float value

function toStringValue

std::string toStringValue(
    const double value

function fromStringValue

bool fromStringValue(
    const std::string & inStr,
    std::string & value

function fromStringValue

bool fromStringValue(
    const std::string & inStr,
    int32_t & value

function fromStringValue

bool fromStringValue(
    const std::string & inStr,
    int64_t & value

function fromStringValue

bool fromStringValue(
    const std::string & inStr,
    bool & value

function fromStringValue

bool fromStringValue(
    const std::string & inStr,
    float & value

function fromStringValue

bool fromStringValue(
    const std::string & inStr,
    double & value

Updated on 2024-07-04 at 15:07:03 +0000