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cvedia::rt::iface::Instance * getCurrentInstance(sol::this_state s)
cvedia::rt::BufferLua * createBuffer(int width, int height, std::string const & format)
sol::table getCapabilities(sol::this_state s)
sol::object getKeyValue(std::string const & key, sol::this_state const s)
bool setKeyValue(std::string const & key, sol::object const & value)
sol::table getKeys(sol::this_state const s)
long long getTime()
cvedia::rt::iface::Module * getModuleByName(std::string const & moduleName)
void autoStartInstances()
void discover1(std::string const & path)
void discover2()
std::vector< std::string > getNames()
cvedia::rt::iface::Instance * getInstanceById(std::string const & instanceId, sol::this_state s)
void post1(sol::table const & data, std::string const & type)
void post2(sol::table const & data, std::string const & type, bool persist)
void post3(sol::table const & data, std::string const & type, bool persist, std::string const & sourceDesc)
void post4(sol::table const & data, std::string const & type, bool persist, std::string const & sourceDesc, cvedia::rt::BufferLua const * img)
void post5(sol::table const & data, std::string const & type, bool persist, std::string const & sourceDesc, cvedia::rt::BufferLua const * img, std::string const & timestamp)
sol::table query(std::string const & query, sol::this_state s)
cvedia::rt::iface::InferenceEngine * createBackend1(std::string const & uri, std::string const & name, int poolSize, sol::this_state s)
cvedia::rt::iface::InferenceEngine * createBackend2(std::string const & uri, std::string const & name, sol::this_state s)
std::shared_ptr< cvedia::rt::iface::InferenceEngine > getBackendByName(std::string const & name, sol::this_state s)
std::deque< std::wstring > getLog()
void logVerbose(std::wstring const & msg)
void logDebug(std::wstring const & msg)
void logWarning(std::wstring const & msg)
void logError(std::wstring const & msg)
void logInfo(std::wstring const & msg)
bool saveJsonToDisk(std::string const & filename, sol::table const & data)
std::string getDynamicString1(std::string const & inputString, sol::table const & data)
std::string getDynamicString2(std::string const & inputString)
sol::object nms1(sol::object const & detections, float const nmsIouThreshold, sol::this_state s)
sol::object nms2(sol::object const & detections, float const nmsIouThreshold, float const nmsScoreThreshold, sol::this_state s)
void saveConfigToDiskAsJson(std::string const & path, sol::this_state s)
void loadConfigJsonFromDisk(std::string const & path, sol::this_state s)
sol::object getConfig(sol::this_state s)
bool setPerformanceCounterState(bool enable)
Enable/Disable Performance metering system.
void startZone(std::string const & zoneName, bool active)
void endZone(std::string const & zoneName)

Functions Documentation

function getCurrentInstance

cvedia::rt::iface::Instance * getCurrentInstance(
    sol::this_state s

function createBuffer

cvedia::rt::BufferLua * createBuffer(
    int width,
    int height,
    std::string const & format

function getCapabilities

sol::table getCapabilities(
    sol::this_state s

function getKeyValue

sol::object getKeyValue(
    std::string const & key,
    sol::this_state const s

function setKeyValue

bool setKeyValue(
    std::string const & key,
    sol::object const & value

function getKeys

sol::table getKeys(
    sol::this_state const s

function getTime

long long getTime()

function getModuleByName

cvedia::rt::iface::Module * getModuleByName(
    std::string const & moduleName

function autoStartInstances

void autoStartInstances()

function discover1

void discover1(
    std::string const & path

function discover2

void discover2()

function getNames

std::vector< std::string > getNames()

function getInstanceById

cvedia::rt::iface::Instance * getInstanceById(
    std::string const & instanceId,
    sol::this_state s

function post1

void post1(
    sol::table const & data,
    std::string const & type

function post2

void post2(
    sol::table const & data,
    std::string const & type,
    bool persist

function post3

void post3(
    sol::table const & data,
    std::string const & type,
    bool persist,
    std::string const & sourceDesc

function post4

void post4(
    sol::table const & data,
    std::string const & type,
    bool persist,
    std::string const & sourceDesc,
    cvedia::rt::BufferLua const * img

function post5

void post5(
    sol::table const & data,
    std::string const & type,
    bool persist,
    std::string const & sourceDesc,
    cvedia::rt::BufferLua const * img,
    std::string const & timestamp

function query

sol::table query(
    std::string const & query,
    sol::this_state s

function createBackend1

cvedia::rt::iface::InferenceEngine * createBackend1(
    std::string const & uri,
    std::string const & name,
    int poolSize,
    sol::this_state s

function createBackend2

cvedia::rt::iface::InferenceEngine * createBackend2(
    std::string const & uri,
    std::string const & name,
    sol::this_state s

function getBackendByName

std::shared_ptr< cvedia::rt::iface::InferenceEngine > getBackendByName(
    std::string const & name,
    sol::this_state s

function getLog

std::deque< std::wstring > getLog()

function logVerbose

void logVerbose(
    std::wstring const & msg

function logDebug

void logDebug(
    std::wstring const & msg

function logWarning

void logWarning(
    std::wstring const & msg

function logError

void logError(
    std::wstring const & msg

function logInfo

void logInfo(
    std::wstring const & msg

function saveJsonToDisk

bool saveJsonToDisk(
    std::string const & filename,
    sol::table const & data

function getDynamicString1

std::string getDynamicString1(
    std::string const & inputString,
    sol::table const & data

function getDynamicString2

std::string getDynamicString2(
    std::string const & inputString

function nms1

sol::object nms1(
    sol::object const & detections,
    float const nmsIouThreshold,
    sol::this_state s

function nms2

sol::object nms2(
    sol::object const & detections,
    float const nmsIouThreshold,
    float const nmsScoreThreshold,
    sol::this_state s

function saveConfigToDiskAsJson

void saveConfigToDiskAsJson(
    std::string const & path,
    sol::this_state s

function loadConfigJsonFromDisk

void loadConfigJsonFromDisk(
    std::string const & path,
    sol::this_state s

function getConfig

sol::object getConfig(
    sol::this_state s

function setPerformanceCounterState

bool setPerformanceCounterState(
    bool enable

Enable/Disable Performance metering system.


  • enable bool true to enable, false to disable

Return: bool true if successful

\lua api.performance.setState

function startZone

void startZone(
    std::string const & zoneName,
    bool active

function endZone

void endZone(
    std::string const & zoneName

Updated on 2025-02-05 at 11:40:52 +0000