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CVEDIA-RT Integration with Milestone XProtect

The integration of CVEDIA-RT with the XProtect VMS solution from Milestone is facilitated through a VMS plugin and a controller service that can run on the Windows operating system. The CVEDIA-RT plugin enables powerful analytics capabilities in your Milestone system, enhancing the effectiveness of your surveillance operations.

This guide will take you through the process of setting up and using this integration.

Initial setup requirements

Our analytics solution is only compatible with XProtect Professional+, XProtect Expert, and XProtect Corporate. Please check to learn more about the different variants of Milestone software.

CVEDIA-RT Integration also requires a dedicated user account in Milestone VMS to correctly communicate with our analytics engine. This user has to be in an administrator role and can be added by following these steps:

Adding a dedicated Milestone user

On the target system, open the management client and sign in with administrator credentials. In the tree view on the left, choose Security > Basic Users and right-click on the Basic User view to bring up the context menu.

Create basic user

Choose Create Basic User and specify the user name and password. Make sure the Force Basic User to change password checkbox is not checked:

Set credentials

Next, navigate to Security > Roles in the tree view on the left and select Administrators role. Press the Users and Groups button to view assigned users:

Assign to admin group

Press Add to select the previously created user and assign them to the Administrator role.

Installation process

After launching the installer you will be greeted with a window similar to this:

Donwloader start

Press the Download button to start downloading the necessary installation files. In the next step, you can choose to automatically activate the CVEDIA-RT trial license:

Installer start

After that the installation process is ready to start - it shouldn't take more than a few minutes:

Install in progress

If you choose to activate the trial license, a pop-up will appear to inform you if the operation was successful:

Trial actiated

The next step is to provide credentials for the dedicated Milestone XProtect user:

Set Milestone user

You can also choose to run CVEDIA-RT locally or on a remote device, by autodetecting the IP or by specifying one. For an all-in-one setup, use the local RT option.

RT Local or Remote

The last step of the installation is to validate if the provided credentials are correct. If the validation is successful, the installation process will be complete.

You can check the Management Client to see if our plugin was correctly loaded, by selecting Help / About:

Plugin info start

License Management

You can activate and deactivate new CVEDIA-RT licenses from within the Management Client by navigating to the MIP Plug-ins / CVEDIA RT Plugin page. The operation may require a few seconds. You can refresh the management client page by pressing F5 to check if the changes have been applied.

RT Licenses

If you didn't choose to activate a trial license during installation you can also do this here by clicking on the Activate Trial License button.

CVEDIA-RT Analytics Guide

Once the initial setup is done, you can use our solution directly in XProtect Smart Client. CVEDIA-RT analytics are available in all streams in your current view, and you can access the configuration menu by pressing the CVEDIA logo in the top right corner:

Open analytics

This will open a new window where you can configure analytics for that specific view. You can find more details about the various options and what they do in the sections below.

Configuring Analytics

General settings

Genera settings

The general settings section contains the options that apply to all our different analytic scenarios.

Click on the Enable analytics checkbox to activate the analytics on a given stream. This operation will increase the number of active channels. Please be sure your license has enough channels.

If the checkbox is unchecked, the stream is ignored and not counted toward the limits of the license.

Detection sensitivity and Movement sensitivity options let you specify how sensitive object detection and movement should be to start tracking objects and trigger events. Medium is the default option.

Sensor modality lets you choose between RGB and Thermal mode, depending on what kind of stream you wish to run analytics on.

Enable statistics displays some basic information about the analytics overlayed in the top left corner of the view.

Enable debug mode forces CVEDIA-RT to track all objects in the stream regardless of placed trigger zones and should not be used outside of a troubleshooting scenario.

Analytics options

Our analytics are configured by placing one or more trigger zones or lines on top of your stream and selecting which objects it should react on. Depending on your use case, you can select one or more of the available options and create virtual zones and lines. Analytic events will be produced whenever a specified object class interacts with the zones and lines.

Drawing a zone

On the screen above you can see an Intrusion Detection zone called Area1 which detects people intruding in the zone defined by the yellow polygon. You can Add multiple zones or remove previously created ones via the Delete button. The Display on Video option allows you to show the zone overlayed on top of your view.

Clicking on the stream's captured image allows you to draw the zone yourself via our zone drawing tool:

Drawing a zone

Trigger zones or lines are required

CVEDIA-RT will not perform any action until you place at least one trigger zone or line. This is a necessary configuration step for each stream you wish to run our analytics on.

Drawing virtual triggers

The color palette buttons can be used to choose which color to use. This can be useful when using multiple zones in the same view.

To start drawing a polygon or a line, simply click on the image to place vertices. To complete the drawing of a polygon, click on the starting point. To complete the drawing of a polyline click on the last inserted point.

Once a polygon or a line is completed, you can move the entire shape or individual corners, create new corners by clicking on the center points that appear in the center of the segments, and remove points with the right mouse button.

The Clear button deletes any existing polygons or lines so you can start over again.

The Fullscreen button is available only when drawing polygons and is a shortcut to quickly create a polygon that encompasses the entire view.

Search functionality

Once the analytics are configured on at least one stream, events will be produced in the Milestone XProtect system. You can view them using the search functionality in Smart Client. Click on the Search tab, and select cameras that have CVEDIA-RT analytics enabled.

Press Search for... button and select "Smart Events" to search for CVEDIA-RT events. Adjust to a specific timeframe and you should see all the events produced by our analytics during that time. Your search can be further refined by applying filtering options. Here you can specify which object class to search for, and for specific analytics:

Milestone Smart Events filters

Rules based on analytic events

In the Management Client you can now configure new rules based on our Analytic Events. Here is the list of the available events you can use:

Analytics Events

Advanced configuration options

This section contains information about advanced configuration options that are available for Milestone system administrators. These options are not required if the installation and configuration process completed successfully, but may be of value for more specific use cases.

Changing dedicated Milestone user credentials

In case you wish for our integration to use a different Milestone user, you can change the credentials without editing any configuration files. This is done by running the controller executable from the command line and passing necessary information as parameters.

Make sure controller service is stopped

Before attempting the following steps, please make sure the CVEDIA-RT Controller Service is not running. You can do so via the Windows' Services app

Navigate to the C:\ProgramData\CVEDIA\CVEDIA-RT\MilestoneController folder where our integration was installed and launch a new command prompt session. You can run rtcontroller.exe executable with the following options:

.\RTController.exe -c -u <username> -p <password> -a <method> -s -m <server_uri> -r -i <remote_ip>

This will cause the controller to run in a special mode, in which it will attempt to login into Milestone system using the specified credentials. If successful, the new settings will be automatically saved and reused in the future.

Please refer to the table below for more details about the different parameters.

Parameter Required Description
-c YES Runs the controller executable in credential setting mode.
-u username YES Specifies the new user name that should be used
-p password YES Specifies the password for new user
-a method YES Authentication method to use when logging into Milestone. Our integration requires Basic user authentication (please see the installation guide for more details)
-m server_uri YES URI of Milestone server to use (eg. http://localhost)
-s NO Optional parameter that enforces using a secure connection when connecting to Milestone. Depending on your system setup, this might have to be used in order to correctly log into Milestone VMS.
-r NO Optional parameter that enables CVEDIA-RT remote mode. Should not be used unless you have CVEDIA-RT running on a different server
-i remote_ip NO Optional parameter specifying the IP to use for the remote CVEDIA-RT server. Can be used only when using the -r parameter above. If the IP is not specified, the CVEDIA-RT server will be auto discovered in the network

Below is an example that changes the options to use basic Milestone user TestUser, with both the Milestone server and CVEDIA-RT running locally:

RTController.exe -c -u TestUser -p Password123! -a Basic -m http://localhost

Remember to start controller service

Please remember to restart the CVEDIA-RT Controller Service if you manually stopped it before in Windows's Services app.