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Vehicle subclassification

SecuRT allows you to detect people, vehicles, and animals. In addition to these three generic classes, there is the option to subclassify vehicles in the following categories:

  • Car
  • Bus
  • Van
  • Truck
  • Bicycle
  • Motorcycle
  • Construction


To activate this option, open Solution Settings in the bottom left corner, expand the Vehicle subclassification section, and enable it.

Note: When turned on, vehicle subclassification will use an additional neural network to further classify the vehicles in the image. This will incur extra latency, and might be too slow for your use-case, depending on the compute capabilities of your system

Event data

With this option turned on, vehicles will be subclassified, and their subclass will appear in the events generated by the system. Here is an example of events generated when setting up a zone to detect vehicle movement in a highway.

This information will also be included in the event payload

Zones and tripwires

When Vehicle subclassification is turned on, zones and tripwires can be configured to trigger only on certain vehicle subclasses. Here's an example showcasing the impact on events when allowing only trucks.