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REST Server

CVEDIA-RT provides a REST server that allows interfacing with the system remotely.

It is divided in tree namespaces:

  • RT Core is the main API used to manage instances, input and output, and system-wide options.
  • Onvif is specific for discovering and accessing Onvif cameras information.
  • SecuRT exposes all the methods to define the analytics and the options of the SecuRT solution.

Enabling REST Server

The REST server is enabled by default when running the CVEDIA-RT Windows Service, RT Studio, or CVEDIA-RT on Linux (both as docker or as native).


Please, be aware that the CVEDIA-RT Plugin for VMS doesn't start the REST Server.


The Rest Server can be disabled and configured in the rtconfig.json system-wide configuration file.

The default port is 3546.


You can check the reference guide for each API namespace in the dedicated pages:

You can also test each endpoints directly within the documentation pages, or in the local Web Panel that you can access by opening


Please note that to try the endpoints from the documentation page, will need to install one of the available browser extensions that disable CORS limitation, or you will receive network errors.