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Linux Installation


  • 1G disk space
  • Any Linux distro that can with minimum libc6 2.27 on aarch64 and libc6 2.29 on x86 (2.31 for arm and 2.34 for x86 are strongly recommended) natively with deb packages.
  • Ubuntu 18, 20, 22 and 24 other platforms and systems are not supported / tested.

CVEDIA-RT works on x86_64, aarch64, arm8.0, arm7l, armv7a and armhf ISAs.

Ubuntu 24

Ubuntu 24 has issues when running rtstudio natively

  • Any Debian-like distro, Ubuntu 20 or newer
  • ~8G disk space
  • dpkg or similar package manager

To run on GPU using NVIDIA, you will also need CUDA toolkit.

Cuda compute

Check Compute Capability to make sure your gpu is compatible, you will need a GPU with cuda compute greater or equal to 5.3 on aarch64 or 6.1 on x86; Check our NVIDIA compatibility list for more details.

  • 16G disk space
  • Docker 18.04 or newer

CVEDIA-RT works on x86_64, aarch64, armv7a and armhf ISAs.

To run on GPU using NVIDIA, you will also need:

  • CUDA 11.4+

Cuda compute

Check Compute Capability to make sure your gpu is compatible, you will need a GPU with cuda compute greater or equal to 5.3 on aarch64 or 6.1 on x86; Check our NVIDIA compatibility list for more details.

If you don't have docker installed

Check install docker guide.

If you don't have NVIDIA Docker installed

Check the official install guide from NVIDIA.


As of 2024.1.0 releases CVEDIA-RT is now shipped thru our own apt repository. This allows you to update automatically or pin a specific version of RT. This works on all systems we support, including jetson and aarch64 distros.

Hard paths

The native install will be placed at a fixed path: /opt/cvedia-rt, if you have a previous install of RT it will upgrade it while keeping your custom configurations.

curl -fsSLo - | sudo bash
apt install cvedia-rt -y


If you also want to install our NX VMS plugin, after installing mediaserver, run apt install cvedia-rt-nxplugin -y

Option 2: Installing by manually adding the apt repository

curl -fsSLo - | sudo gpg --dearmour -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/cvedia.gpg
sudo echo "deb cvedia main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cvedia.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install cvedia-rt -y

LIBC6 older than 2.34

If you're running LIBC6 older than 2.34 you should use the legacy apt pool: sudo echo "deb cvedia legacy" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cvedia.list


If you also want to install our NX VMS plugin, after installing mediaserver, run apt install cvedia-rt-nxplugin -y

Option 3: Installing using the debian package

Download the compatible .deb from, then install it:

dpkg -i cvedia-rt_*.deb


If you also want to install our NX VMS plugin, after installing mediaserver, run dpkg -i cvedia-rt-nxplugin*.deb

CVEDIA-RT binaries

CVEDIA-RT deb package will add a few binaries to your path (/usr/bin):

  • rtcmd
  • rtstudio
  • rtservice


You can uninstall using the package manager apt remove cvedia-rt

By default CVEDIA-RT will run a GUI, that may require some X11 changes, the script will check if your current settings are compatible and perform changes as needed.

You may need to restart your X11 session after changes are performed.

  1. Extract the .tar.gz file you downloaded: tar -xzvf <filename.tar.gz>
  2. Run install script: sudo ./

Running with GUI

Run ./ to start.

Depending on the devices and platform you're running you may be required to run as sudo or start the docker with privileged mode, this is automatically decided by the startup script.

Running Headless / REST

Run ./ --remote to start.

CVEDIA-RT will be accessible via REST API on port 8080

Remote UI

As of 2022.11.0 release you can run CVEDIA-RT in remote GUI mode. To run in this mode you don't need to install a window manager nor x11.

Please check Remote UI for more info.

Running options

There's several ways to run CVEDIA-RT, please refeer to Running Options for all available options.

Solutions and persistence

When running CVEDIA-RT within docker, changes on solutions are ephemeral, if you want to make your solution changes persist, please check solution persistence.


CVEDIA-RT requires license activation beginning version 2023.5.0. Refer to License Management for more information.


Running with GUI

Just call rtstudio, a window will show up.

Running Headless / REST

Run rtstudio --render Remote to start.

CVEDIA-RT will be accessible via REST API on port 8080

Remote UI

As of 2022.11.0 release you can run CVEDIA-RT in remote GUI mode. To run in this mode you don't need to install a window manager nor x11.

Please check Remote UI for more info.

Running options

There's several ways to run CVEDIA-RT, please refeer to Running Options for all available options.

Controlling CVEDIA-RT Service over Web Panel / REST API

Beginning 2024.1.0 we have introduced the option to monitor and control CVEDIA-RT Server over the Web Panel and through REST API.

You can open the web panel on port: 3546 (by default) and check for possible REST API options: Web Admin


This option doesn't work with rtstudio, only when running rtservice

Running with GUI

Call the docker run script: ./

Rendering within docker

We recommend you call ./ within a terminal window directly into the window manager without root. If your GPU is using deferred rendering you might need to try with --gl 1 or --gl 0.

Running Headless / REST

./ --remote

CVEDIA-RT will be accessible via REST API on port 8080

Remote UI

As of 2022.11.0 release you can run CVEDIA-RT in remote GUI mode. To run in this mode you don't need to install a window manager nor x11.

Please check Remote UI for more info.

Running options

There's several ways to run CVEDIA-RT, please refeer to Running Options for all available options.

Controlling CVEDIA-RT Service over Web Panel / REST API

Beginning 2024.1.0 we have introduced the option to monitor and control CVEDIA-RT Server over the Web Panel and through REST API.

You can open the web panel on port: 3546 (by default) and check for possible REST API options: Web Admin


This option doesn't work with rtstudio, only when running rtservice


Before upgrading make sure you stop all running RT processes, if you're running RT within VMS the installer will automatically stop the VMS before upgrading.

If you installed RT's apt repository (option 1 or 2 from the install section) you can upgrade it by running:

apt update
apt install cvedia-rt -y

If you also installed the NX VMS plugin, the process is similar:

apt update
apt install cvedia-rt-nxplugin -y

If you installed CVEDIA-RT using .deb packages manually (install option 3), you will have to download the latest compatible .deb from, then install it:

dpkg -i cvedia-rt_*.deb

To upgrade a docker install you need to first stop and remove any RT containers, you can remove all by running this:

docker container ls | grep cvedia-rt | cut -d' ' -f1 | xargs -n1 -P1 -I'{}' docker rm -f {}

Then download and extract the linux docker redist package over the existing one you have from, following the same install process.

When you recreate RT's container it will automatically download the latest docker image.


To preserve your licenses and keys make sure you extract the linux redist to the same folder you originally installed RT.


If you're running in GUI mode and CVEDIA-RT crashes with FATAL [..] [glfwui.cpp:68] glfwCreateWindow .., you can try:

  • rtstudio --render SDL
  • rtstudio --render GLFW

If none of this options work, you can still run without UI then connect from a different machine using Remote UI:

  • rtstudio --render Remote

CVEDIA-RT might fail to start if your desktop resolution is smaller than 1280x720.

If you don't have a graphical interface or cannot run in this resolution, you can run headless with Remote UI (rtstudio --render Remote)

If you're having issues after the application has started, logs are automatically saved under the logs folder. Each session of CVEDIA-RT will create a new log entry in that folder, to submit support requests get the most recent log from that folder.

For any other questions and inquiries, check the support page.

If you're running in GUI mode and CVEDIA-RT crashes with FATAL [..] [glfwui.cpp:68] glfwCreateWindow .., you can try:

  • ./ --gl 0
  • ./ --gl 1

If none of this options work, you can still run without UI then connect from a different machine using Remote UI:

  • ./ --remote

CVEDIA-RT might fail to start if your desktop resolution is smaller than 1280x720.

If you don't have a graphical interface or cannot run in this resolution, you can run headless with Remote UI (./ --remote)

If you're having issues after the application has started, logs are automatically saved under the logs folder. Each session of CVEDIA-RT will create a new log entry in that folder, to submit support requests get the most recent log from that folder.

On linux for startup errors within docker, we recommend running, this will create a detailed log of system capabilities which can then be used to submit support requests to our team.

For any other questions and inquiries, check the support page.