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Remote UI

For edge devices without a monitor, it's possible to connect remotely to the UI. This enables you to configure and preview outputs from a laptop or desktop computer.

This feature is available on CVEDIA-RT 2022.11.0 and newer, as preview.

Starting CVEDIA-RT

You need to start CVEDIA-RT with remote access enabled. Use the following switch on the command-line:

Linux - Docker

./ --render Remote
# Note: Older versions might need
./ --remote

Linux - Native

./rtstudio --render Remote


./CVEDIA-RT.bat --render Remote

This will cause CVEDIA-RT to listen on


By starting CVEDIA-RT with the remote flag, there will be no window oppearing on desktop.

Connecting to the UI

Download the Remote Client for Windows:

Extract all in a folder and run the NetImguiServer.exe application.

Remote Client

Under the menu item Clients click Add client config and enter a name + IP address of your target device. Enable auto-connect or click on connect to open the connection. You should see the application window appear.


We don't yet provide native binaries on linux for the Remote Client, you can however try to use Wine to emulate it.


One common misconception is that the system is slow when running the Remote UI, by default we only update the UI every 500ms (half second), sending camera feeds through the thin client can cause high bandwidth usage. If you're in a local network you can tune settings to do updates more often.

All settings are avaiable within rtconfig.json located at files folder on windows or at persist on linux:

"remote": {
  "texture_update_delay": 500,
  "texture_multiple_of": 500,
  "grayscale_textures": true,
  "downscale_factor": 4,
  "max_side": 768,
  "client_port": 8889,
  "broadcast_port": 12349
  • texture_update_delay: is the time in miliseconds to update textures
  • texture_multiple_of: forces texture size to be a multiple of a number of pixels making it more compatible with legacy rendering systems
  • grayscale_textures: setting this to true significantly reduces the bandwidth used for textures
  • downscale_factor: use 1 to disable downscaling
  • max_side: caps the maximum texture size to a number of pixels
  • client_port: sets the client listening port. Note that changing this within docker will require you to open the corresponding port
  • broadcast_port: sets CVEDIA-RT auto discovery port


Setting texture_update_delay too low may require a lot of bandwidth, we don't recomend setting it to less than 100ms


If your graphics card don't support DirectX, please use the alternative OpenGL version of the Remote UI client. When this happens usually the Remote UI client doesn't open, or crashes as soon as you open it.

Some graphic cards / IGPs / on board chips are not fully compatible, you may see corrupted rendering:


For this cases we recommend trying both (DX11 and OpenGL) versions of the client. Also make sure you're running Windows 10 build 19044 or newer